The Revelation reveled - By two apocalyptical treatises. Shewing. I. How neer the period of the time is, wherein the mysterie of God shall bee fulfilled. II. What things are already fulfilled, and what shall shortly follow thereupon, as they are foretold in the Revelation. Translated out of High-Dutch. With an introductorie preface, shewing that besides the accomplishment of the particular historical events, spoken of in the Revelation, which are com, ... there is a deeper mysterie, and matter of more necessarie and profitable knowledg, to bee reflected upon in the words of this prophesie; whereof also a summarie and a key, ... to bee thought upon by all the Godlie-wise in the three nations

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printed by William Du-Gard, and are to bee sold by Rob. Littleberrie at the sign of the Unicorn in Little Britain 1651 England, London [8], 82, 166 sidor.